
Solar Energy web app, with modern and robust redesign, wins major industry awards.


Helping Solar Energy Spread

Through crowd-funding, Re-volv allows individuals and groups that support clean energy to donate and help build solar-powered communities across the country.

The platform serves as a mechanism facilitating solar installations for groups that would otherwise not have capital to build a solar platform. Re-volv provides solar financing to community-based nonprofits and cooperatives around the country that don't have access to traditional solar finance.

Organizations that raise money through Re-volv can save money on their electric costs while paying Re-volv back through a lease with interest. The lease payments are reinvested in a revolving fund, the Solar Seed Fund, which continually finances community-based solar projects.

Over time, each dollar donated to an individual solar project will go towards financing three or more solar projects. Donations can be made tax deductible.


Our Strategy

How we work
Grid One


Our designers and architects work with you to define every feature, screen, and user flow

Grid One


Receive product builds every two-weeks as we add features

Grid One


We analyze user feedback to help you prioritize new features


  • The web developers who created the initial web application did not properly architect the solution.
  • As a result, the core engine which underpinned the business model was preventing the business from scaling. Much of the processes for running the collection and disbursement of funds needed to be properly calculated and then automatically moved via the backend of the application.
  • Code was not commented, and APIs were not documented properly. There was no unit test coverage in place for the code that was written and the deployment process was manual. No pre-production environment was established and code was being deployed directly to production from the engineers' local machines.
  • The database had numerous issues with the tables and how data was stored and retrieved.
  • The design elements of the web application were suboptimal. The client needed a revamp of the front end.


  • Zibtek’s custom web application development team was engaged to provide an audit of the company’s existing software.
  • With the conclusion of the Audit the client retained Zibtek to take over the project from the previous development team.
  • We redesigned the user interface of the application and built the front end from the bottom up.
  • Core components of the application were rebuilt from scratch to address performance bottlenecks and security concerns.
  • JavaScript was leveraged heavily on the front end to simplify the application and enhance performance.
  • The finished product included analytics and a rich dashboard allowing admins to accurately track projects, donations and web users.


  • The success of the platform resulted in the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation awarding Re-volv a $120,000 partnership grant to expand access to the platform.
  • RE-volv was awarded the Leadership in GreenPower Education Award for its Solar Ambassador Program.
  • The company was featured in and by the New York Times, CNN, Scientific American, U.S. Department of Energy, Forbes and

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