Apps have revolutionized our entire lives and the way we conduct business. Never before has it been this easy to leverage the power of mobile and web technologies to further streamline business processes.

That’s why custom app development is something that businesses both big and small consider at some point. The possibilities are endless and with there being no shortage of development firms willing to do the job, there’s not even a need to hire an in-house development team.

Why your business might need a custom mobile app:

It’s this flexibility that has really pushed businesses to adopt mobile apps and technologies to improve their productivity and reduce costs. They don’t need to make significant investments in building up their own development teams and equipping them with the adequate resources.

All of this can put a strain on the finances of a business, particularly if it’s a startup, so most prefer to go the outsourcing route and trust a software company with the job. These companies are generally very experienced and can quickly get the project up and running. This enables the businesses to quickly deploy their custom apps and then scale up the project as and when required.

You might be wondering, what does my business stand to gain from a custom mobile app? You’ll be surprised to know that it actually stands to gain a fair bit.

It’s Tailored To Your Specific Needs
You may have struggled to find a one-size-fits-all software solution for your business. Even if you do find something that’s a little less than a perfect fit, it just won’t be able to help you achieve your goals. This is why custom mobile app development is so powerful.

You can work closely with the team of developers and outline exactly what you need the app to do. They can build it out to your exact specifications and the needs of your business. This will ensure that every dollar invested in the development of your app ends up improving your businesses processes.

That’s always better than paying for software that has features you’re never going to use. It’s this level of customization that will help drive efficiency and reduce costs in the long run.

  1. It’s Scalable At Your Pace
    Think about it. You’d want the app that your business relies upon to scale up at the pace at which your business is growing. You don’t want to be paying for excess capacity or functionality that your business just doesn’t need at that particular stage, but needs to pay for it because the functionality that it does need comes bundled with the higher tier.

    That’s how off-the-shelf solutions tend to lock in users and they eventually have to pay for scalability that they don’t need. A custom solution doesn’t have this issue since you can always ask the developers to bring up the app’s capabilities as per the needs of your business.

    This is something that’s particularly beneficial for startup businesses as they tend to be strapped for cash. Anything that helps save money in the earlier stages of the business is absolutely necessary.

Provide A Better Customer Experience
Since you’ll have more control over the app experience, your business can provide a truly customized user experience through its app. That’s a very powerful tool when it comes to building up brand loyalty, and that helps with customer retention.

Customer retention is the key to success in any business as it’s more profitable to have repeat business from existing customers than going out and finding new ones. A custom app will help you achieve this goal.

  1. You’ll Have More Control Over Security
    Whether it's customer data or business data that employees across your organizations access through the app, one can never be too safe when it comes to data security. A custom mobile app provides you with more control over the security aspect.

    You’ll know exactly what security protocols and technologies have been utilized during the development stage. You can work with the team of developers to further jack it up if your business requires top notch data security.
  2. It Creates A Direct Marketing Channel
    Since your custom app provides you with a direct link to your customers, it also opens up a direct marketing channel that costs you no money. You can continue to drive traffic to your business through methods like push notifications to keep your customers informed about sales and promotions.

    This is a much more cost effective way to reach out to your existing customers instead of having to chase them around on the web with targeted ads, which can end up being very costly.

It Helps You Stand Out From The Competition
Customers want convenience and nothing can be more convenient for them than an app that lets them connect to your business with just a few taps. So your business automatically gets a perception boost before them compared to your competition that’s making the costly mistake of not reaching out to them through a custom app.

  1. It Can Help Boost Productivity
    Have you grown tired of using off-the-shelf software solutions to try and boost productivity within the company? Perhaps these apps just don’t offer the kind of features that are in line with the needs of your business.

    That’s where custom mobile apps really shine. They can be built from the ground up with your business objectives in mind. All of the functionality that you want your employees to take advantage of can be built into it, thus boosting productivity for all businesses processes.
  2. A Custom App Helps Boost Profits
    Increased efficiency and productivity generally leads to a boost in profits. That’s something that every business strives to achieve. Leveraging a custom mobile app solution can really help boost profits. That, coupled with increased brand recognition and higher customer loyalty, can help drive more revenue and lead to more profits for the business.

Integration With Existing Software
You may already have custom software solutions deployed across your business that may not be compatible with an off-the-shelf solution. Even if it does, there could be integration issues that may cause unnecessary disruption to the business.

A custom mobile app won’t suffer from those issues as it would have been developed with the express goal of properly integrating with existing software. This will reduce the chances of disruptions down the line.

  1. It Allows For Enhanced Data Collection
    Businesses thrive on data, the more targeted data that they can collect about their customers the more they can optimize their sales processes to generate more revenue. A custom mobile app will allow you to gather the right kind of data and then utilize that to improve your entire sales funnel.
  2. It Provides Valuable Insights
    Using the enhanced data collection with detailed analytics stats can help you form a better picture of how customers interact with your business. These insights can prove to be very valuable.

    For example, you can easily see the times when most of your customers interact with your app, or when the push notifications you send tend to have the highest click-through rate. This data can prove to be very valuable in refining businesses processes to increase sales.

Find an app development firm that can get your mobile app up and running quickly.

You might be wondering that now comes the hardest part: actually finding a software development firm that’s skilled enough to do the best job and create the mobile app of your dreams, one that’s going to help your business absolutely crush it.

It’s actually the easiest part! You just need to get in touch with Zibtek and they’ll take care of it all for you. Zibtek is one of the world’s leading software development firms, working with Fortune 500 to startup companies alike.

Zibtek has a highly skilled team of developers that are proficient in iOS, Android, Phonegap, React native and hybrid app development. The company is based in the United States with offices in Salt Lake City. It also manages a global talent pool of developers, designers, quality assurance and user experience testers all from its offices in the States.

The company provides end-to-end mobile app development services for all major platforms. Its developers will work with you through the entire project lifecycle, transforming it into reality from just a whiteboard concept. Its developers are held to some of the highest engineering standards in the industry and adhere to bulletproof deployment standards.

Zibtek doesn't just wrap up work on the project once the development work finishes. It also provides assistance to deploy the app to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Post-release support and maintenance services are also provided so that you never have to worry about ongoing support for the app that you invested so much time and money into.Head over to Zibtek’s website right now to read more about the work that they’ve done and to read the testimonials from dozens of their satisfied customers. Then reach out to the team and learn more about how they can develop the best possible custom mobile app for your business.