Database Custom Software Development for thereNow Cache Merrill Cache Merrill, founder & CTO of Zibtek, is a tech leader in custom software development, sharing insights on trends, strategies, and product success. More posts by Cache Merrill. Cache Merrill 18 Apr 2018 • 2 min read Project InformationBackgroundthereNow has developed a comprehensive remote observation system to support professional development for educators all over the world. The thereNow technology is used to more effectively see teachers and students in action. By creating this solution, thereNow has changed the way the education industry has approached Professional Learning and observational research. Using this technology, teachers are now able to receive discreet, classroom contextualized coaching and feedback that has evaded the majority of Professional Learning initiatives.ChallengethereNow was looking for an out of the box hardware/software solution to integrate with its existing online platform. The search was not successful, creating a need for a custom solution. Finding the right talent to build this solution was important, as the company had tried several different options, none of which were a fit. thereNow began to worry that it would miss out on a new market opportunity because of the difficulty in finding the right talent. thereNow initially worked with several freelance developers who did not deliver workable results and who were expensive to contract. The company also tried to hire internally for this particular skillset but could not find a suitable engineer. Finally, they found an offshore software developer who fit the bill. Enter Zibtek.GoalsThe overarching goal of this project was to create a hardware solution that integrates with thereNow’s existing online platform. Having had lackluster experience with freelancers in the past, it was important to get this project completed in a timely manner and within the budget. The solution was built in just five months.SolutionZibtek worked with thereNow’s CTO and Product Owner to build this robust custom software solution. Because of the complex nature of this product, thereNow really appreciated having a US-based tech lead whom they were able to communicate with daily. The thereNow product offers two cameras. One camera to record the instructor and another to record the student’s reactions to his or her lessons. These recordings are combined, audio is added in, and the video is sent to the online platform where it can be reviewed and instructor feedback can be given.OutcomeBecause of thereNow’s new solution, it was able to ship over 200 boxes of product to current customers. The company has also been able to increase its offerings and improve its services for existing customers. thereNow’s competitive advantage has totally changed as thereNow is the only provider in the education market offering this custom hardware with two cameras. With this solution, thereNow can offer additional benefits to its customers that they can’t get anywhere else. The result is more effective instructors with more successful teaching methods. LinkedIn Twitter Email