Business The Best Way to Get Users to Review Your App Cache Merrill Cache Merrill, founder & CTO of Zibtek, is a tech leader in custom software development, sharing insights on trends, strategies, and product success. More posts by Cache Merrill. Cache Merrill 13 Dec 2018 • 4 min read If you look at some of the most popular apps, almost all of them have tons of five-star reviews. It makes sense because one of the most powerful ways to attract new customers is great reviews. You don’t have to launch something and just wait and see if you get killer reviews. There are strategies to get reviews that every startup should know. In a nutshell, these are the principles you should follow:Build an app that is greatQuit irritating your usersRequest them nicely, never beg for the ratingThe reason why top apps get good reviews and ratings is that their focus first is on building an app that provides a user experience that is of high quality. Now, to achieve this, it is essential for all the team members to give their full attention and commitment to the project. Secondly, they followed some simple rules when they have to get the reviews from the users, and it greatly helped them in their success.How Important Is the App Ratings?Without a doubt, the ratings that you receive on the app will affect the way people discover an app. Depending on the reviews and ratings that you receive, the results can be positive or negative.1. The ratings that an app receives on an app store determines its position on the search results as well as chart rankings. If an app gets so many ratings, especially positive ones, the chances are high that it will fair well in the search results. There are fewer chances for the app to fluctuate in the top ranking charts. As a result, it will hold its position well for a longer time.2. If you got too many positive ratings on the app, it is a good thing. The app that you developed has good chances of ranking high in the search results.3. Most of the users hesitate to install any app that has a 3.5 rating or lower on their mobile device. The reason is quite apparent. People do not want to have a poor experience by installing an app that does not seem right. As a result of the things mentioned above, it is necessary for you to seek ratings from the users. Ratings then play a crucial role in getting your app discovered. The number of downloads increases drastically when your app has got some good ratings. It is necessary for you to not beg for ratings as it might be one thing that can irritate the users. Many people despise it. Shun Pop-Ups Most app developers place a pop up on the screen that interrupts the user experience. The pop up contains a request to give the rating now or wait until some later time before doing it. These are some simple yet powerful rules that you need to follow when you are requesting reviews:1. Never interrupt the user experience. 2. Never ask for the rating right after the app crashes. This is obviously a terrible way to get five-star reviews.3. It is better to delay in asking for the rating until at a time in the future. You want the users to give you constructive feedback. You will learn more about it in the later part of this article.When to Ask?There are several possible strategies. As one example, a hotel booking app asks the users to share their rating only if the person made a successful room booking. Since the user might have had a good experience, they ask them to share their thoughts. If a person never completed a booking, there is no point in you asking them for a rating. The path that many other apps chose is entirely different from the app cited above. Since many apps do not provide transactional experience to the user, their approach to asking for a rating is different. They send requests only to the users that visited the app more than ten times within the first three days of downloading the app.Now, if you think about it, they are not focusing on a large crowd, but a smaller group of people who might be more motivated to leave a positive review.By using this simple rule, and of course, by using the popup, many of these apps were able to get incredible ratings.The Poor RatingsIt can come as a surprise to many app developers when they are getting a poor rating because they were asking customers to rate the app. Many people did mention that the reason they are rating down the app is that they find the pop up quite irritating. It is interrupting the experience they are having in the app. A pop up requires the user to interact with it. In response to this feedback, development teams have found better ways to handle requests for ratings.Integrated the Rating RequestsOne solution that a development team came up with is quite outstanding. To resolve this issue, they incorporated the request to rate within the app. Now, they placed this request between content items on the app. This allows the users to do what they like. If interested, they can click the request and provide the rating. But, if they are in no mood, they can skip it. Ask Appropriate QuestionsMany popular apps are doing a fabulous job when it comes to getting ratings from the users. In the traditional method, companies are taught to beg for reviews. But the staff at many startups were smart enough to place a question to check if the users are enjoying the experience they are having with the app. If people respond in the affirmative, they are taking their feedback. Even if the users are unhappy with their experience, they are seeking feedback.The main reason why they feel it is crucial for them to take feedback from people who are not satisfied as well is that they know that they are loyal users. These users are using the app more than ten times in less than three days after downloading the app.They know that the feedback that they will provide is going to be critical for them to consider. It can help the team to look at the flaws and try to enhance the user experience. It is quite interesting to note that people who are not having a good experience are not being asked to share a rating. In ConclusionIf you want to get some good ratings, following these methods is not enough. You have to focus on enhancing the quality of experience that people are having on the app. Undoubtedly, if you have an app that is of poor quality, you will get poor ratings. The secret to getting a 5-star rating is to build an app that gives users a great experience. LinkedIn Twitter Email