Business How To Choose A Software Development Partner Cache Merrill Cache Merrill, founder & CTO of Zibtek, is a tech leader in custom software development, sharing insights on trends, strategies, and product success. More posts by Cache Merrill. Cache Merrill 2 Dec 2018 • 4 min read Many businesses seek out development specialists for their software and website projects. Most firms don’t have a comprehensive in-house team that can handle complex development projects and, if they do, it’s hard to have all the expertise necessary. As part of seeking tech companies to partner with, businesses will meet with several. But most often clients do not know how to pick the right company because of lack of experience in this particular field.Here are some fantastic tips that can assist you in your endeavor to discover the right company:Expertise in the Product:It is essential for you to know what your product niche is going to be. Are you planning to create a product to conquer the online banking industry? Or do you want to launch an app to revolutionize the tech-fitness sector? Or are you planning to start a popular social account?Whatever the niche, you need to take time to search for a company that has already done similar projects before. Since they have good experience and expertise, they will be able to anticipate your needs and be able to create a product that is apt for your requirements. The costs of the development will reduce when you use an expert because they know how to assist you.Communication Matters the MostIt is important for you to find a firm that has a proper communication channel in place. If you want the project to go at a smooth pace, it is critical for you to get weekly and monthly updates on the projects that you are carrying out. Identifying the problems at an early stage and long before the deadline is vital for the project to be considered as successful.If you are finding the issues just days ahead of a major deadline, then there is something wrong. Find a firm that has a proper communication channel in place so that you are on top of the things from the time the project begins. You should also anticipate changes and revisions on the path to the finished project, and you need a team that can adapt quickly.Expertise in TechnologyIt’s helpful to think of all web applications as being built using the same elements. Even if you are creating a unique product, you have to use the same starting materials as everyone else. Let’s take the example of Uber. It contains the following building blocks:It’s an app that allows users to sign into an accountUsers can locate transportation by accessing GPSUsers can pay through the app (which, of course, require fraud protection)Most of the apps that you find in the app stores were created using the same bricks. Check with the potential companies about their track record of handling these various tools. You need to do this as soon as you complete the technical task document. It’s also helpful to know about the timetable they followed to complete each of these projects that they did before.Expertise in MarketingIt is essential for you to ask specific questions to move things forward. First and foremost, have you articulated the demographics of your end user? Did you launch a startup before? If yes, do you know how to reach your target users? Are you able to evaluate and compare marketing channels based on ROI?If you do not have any answers to these questions, you run the risk of overspending with no return on investment for development. While you may create a revolutionary product, you might not have many users. If the software development company has an expertise in marketing, besides making the product, they will also assist in marketing it. They will know precisely the features that you may need to cut to trim the budget while still appealing to your target market.A great product with the right core features is the best way to attract your target audience.Type of the Company:Enterprise suppliers are the companies that target large, established businesses. These companies have a lot of procedures, security (cameras as well as fingerprint sensors in offices, for example). They are able to meet complex regulatory standards and review. Their customers are often big banks or large scale corporations.Startup SuppliersThese types of tech companies sometimes call themselves “studio” or “agency” businesses. These are small companies that work with startup companies. They have decidedly fewer procedures in place, and these companies are agile. Companies of this size are usually ready and eager to sign an NDA. Once the contract is signed, they are ready to discuss the details and start the project.These companies might be experts in a few niches with work that is proven. If you are working on a stipulated budget, you may choose to work with these companies. Any good tech company will know how to code your ideas in accordance with the technical documents. The only problem with these smaller companies is that they do not always think about product success. Their main aim is to ensure that there are no bugs in the application or the product. You’ll need to rely on your own team or additional consulting to market the product well.In a nutshell, these companies are not engineered to assist the customers in finding a product-market fit and sell it. The best option that you have is to work with a smaller team that has the expertise in marketing in your niche to work with you.Pricing PolicyNever fall for a company that can’t deliver the product. Even if you only use a subpar partner for an initial product offering and plan to change it in the future, the next team that you are planning to partner with may refuse to fix the issues after careful analysis of the product.These are some things that you may need to consider seriously before partnering with a software development company. The tech industry is growing and dynamic, and if you properly consider your business needs and the capabilities of your potential partners, you can almost certainly find a team able to deliver. LinkedIn Twitter Email