Benefits of MEAN Stack Development

What does MEAN mean?

MEAN stack is an open-source Javascript software stack. MEAN is an acronym for the Javascript-based technologies used in MEAN stack development. M is for MongoDB, E is for Express JS, A is for AngularJS, and N is for Node.js. These four powerhouse technologies come together to create a full stack javascript framework used to simply and quickly develop web applications.

Its application can be written in one language for both client side and server side.

With Javascript as the common denominator for the four technologies in the MEAN stack.

It’s significant features can be blanketed across any code.

Switching between client and server code becomes easier with the MEAN stack.

MEAN is a platform independent and plays nicely with both Linux and Windows operating systems.

MongoDB offers a more flexible, accommodating layer for storing data.

Node.js provides a better nexus for running your server.

Express.js helps standardize how you build your website. On the client.

AngularJS provides a way of adding interactive functions and AJAX-driven rich components.

A Neat Web Development Process

Arguably the greatest benefit of working with the MEAN stack is that all code is written in Javascript, thus companies mitigate the need to hire different specialists to work on a single project

The Top 5 Coolest MEAN Stack Web Apps

Here is a compilation of apps built using MEAN stack technology. From the Fandango owned social move site to a content generation app.

  • Ziploop
  • StartHQ
  • Flikster
  • Make a Point